I've never done a Crackdown remix. Never even tried! Anyway the site you describe sounds like the old
www.redifer.com I used to have (no longer works). I bought the domain name and literally ran the website on my PC in the basement here. I have since let the domain expire... well it does in a few days I think, but the PC is powered down. That's the only place that the Mac-carrying pic ever was. I like friends and family, sure, but to be honest I'm usually quite the loner. Not because I'm not the epitome of manliness or anything, I just am not a party hardy gotta-go-out-all-the-time kind of guy.
Anyway it looks like I can link straight to my MySpace pics I think. I hope these don't show for me just because of my cache. Let me know if you guys see these pics:
Me playing some videogame in the arcade by Sega with 3 screens.
Me (right) in a short video about a gun with a built in cell phone which also plays videogames.
Me on the lift during a recent local music video shoot.
And finally...
Me getting my ass kicked in a recent "Choose Your Own Adventure" type of video.