I tried to post an image, but got this message. The upload folder is full. Please try a smaller file and/or contact an administrator.
Sorry, it's hopelessly borked. You gotta use an outside image host, like imgur or photobucket.
While I could up the limit (after a quick check with Aaron), I think we should probably just save the server's disk space for posts.
I use
https://postimages.org/ mostly now which is pretty easy and if I don't want to jump hoops for PhotoBucket with all its ads.
Please tell me you still own this couch! Amazing!
Hahahahjahahaj! I have that same couch! It is so broken (kids) but we simply put a gray slipcover on it to pretend it's different. It makes no sense to have nice things until the kids are older.
Never saw that, heh. I'm picturing you going for a Native American chant.