OK - long story

Finally I got lucky and won a loose Super Grafx on Ebay for 85 Euro

Two days after I paid the thing the seller contacted me he hadn't noticed a flaw before he listed the system

The flaw was near the S-EXP connector on the edge there was a 5mm hole in the case broken out

After a few hours of thinking about this "issue" we (me & seller) came to the conclusion 75 Euro for the system and I would take it and try to repair it

Sorry - I hadn't take a picture before the fix - but I think you can imagine a hole in a Super Grafx

Here it is after the fix:

And the spot in particular:

I made the fix with "Feinspachtel" (sorry I don't know the English term) for cars. This stuff is perfect for things like that - it gets hard as **** but you can grind it easily. But when you grind away the surplus stuff you will make scratches in the case of course.
And here is the part where I need your guys opinion(s)

- I'm thinking about respraying the Super Grafx (I personally suck at painting stuff, so I'm thinking about get it made at a car paint shop).
Would you guys respray it in it's original colour or would you go for something completely different

(Because the SG looks a bit like a car engine I'm thinking about respraying in chrome metallic

As I had the system disambled already I decided to make a RGB mod also:

RGB Awesomeness:

Please let me know what you think.
Cheers Marco