Quite often.
Quite often? I doubt it.
Show me, if you feel like it. I generally try to proofread. You don't mean stupid crap like comma use and "posting like you're talking out loud", do you? That doesn't exactly count.
Was that your point? If Tom's post's are unreadable and pointless, to what are you responding? Did the use of 'gluten' in place of 'glutton' honestly make you think he was talking about grain protein?
The point can usually be figured out, but that's alot of effort that could be saved. And no the use of gluten didn't make me think that. It's just, if you're going to make fun of a troll, try not to do something that stupid, lol.
and if you're going to post technical data/comments, it really helps to use the right words. All kinds of incorrectness in technical posts really removes the value of them. People who don't know any better learn the wrong things, and people who do know better start to have to correct you or point things out that make no sense. Arguing and peepants ensues.
There's a smidgeon of logical argument, but it mostly comes across as "you're wrong and dumb!" The Genny has more than 6 channels anyway, as did the x68k and many arcade boards from the same time period.
I already said, I meant the FM chip itself, which is 6 channels, since we're mostly talking about music and about progressing technology. The old SMS PSG is irrelevant to that part.
lolgtfo and "you're high" are far from being insulting, at least in my book. Maybe it's because I'm used to talking like that with my friends. IM JUST A YOUNG, RAMBUNCTIOUS KID AND YOU'RE ALL OLD FARTS. =3. lol.
It usually takes a little trolling, or at least trolling disguised as opinions stated abrasively and obnoxiously to cause some "sandyvag". In turn, the offending troll usually had some sandyvag in the first place, which incited said trolling. While I realize what you're posting has some validity in there... somewhere... your "shotgun approach" to posting the abrasive and bitter shit isn't just pissing off your target audience (in this case Tom), it's getting on other peoples' nuts here too (namely mine).
It's not trolling or trolling in disguise. It's debating technical crap and opinions on something. Not everything that is a disagreement is trolling. Soon the word troll is going to become meaningless because it's misused too much. Soon there won't be any disagreeing or debating on forums without someone going OMG STOP TRORRLING. Trolling is stirring shit up for no reason other than to stir it up or bother someone. I'm debating this shit because I like this shit. The PCE sound chip is my favorite, and I'm going to defend it.
I'm surprised you of all people are worked up over any talking that is abrasive/bitter. lol. One day you're all THATS JUST ARKHAN, and now its THIS IS BOTHERING MY NUTS.
There is plenty of validity to what I've said, and some people have managed to respond.
As far as not having it out for Tom, don't be coy. We all know you don't like the guy. We can all see it clearly when you respond to his posts with extra-abrasive vigor, even for you. Hell, you've even said as much, that you're not fond of Tom. Therein lies the problem... While I agree that having multiple projects in the works and finishing few is a tease and maybe even a bit irresponsible, it's no reason to have everyone else on this forum endure your personal grudge every time Tom posts something. If you're having some kind of marital spat with another member on this forum, take that bullshit to PM or something.
There's a difference between having it out for someone, and not liking them/thinking they're an idiot (and expressing it vocally when it comes up, sometimes with others!). My reasons for this stem from a handful of things, not just the project ADD. Some of it is from occurences here, some from IRC. Everyone's guilty of not really liking someone, and voicing it. Case in point: Everyone vs. Gravis.
However, NONE of that has any influence on my disagreeing with him on this topic. If it had been someone else posting the same kind of thing, I'd disagree just as much. To be honest, I read the post before I read the poster name, and was already disagreeing. Disagreeing is disagreeing. There's no grudge involved with this crap. It's coincidence. You guys are holding my grudge for me. That's dumb. If I were holding a grudge I'd start pulling up all kinds of shit Bonktom has said over the past couple years, or some PMs, or who knows what. The closest I've come to that is referencing that awhile ago Bonktom said "its just a step up" and now its "a large step up", or something.
the reason it's "everytime Bonknuts posts something", is because he basically only posts when its some kind of technical debate, or a chance to disagree with someone else.
You gotta look at it from every angle here dude.
PS: You just brought up external crap about BonkTom, not me. lol
Like I said, it's not always about being right or wrong. Sometimes its about how you present your argument. I can tell you, personally, if somebody came up to me in real life with a disagreement and was at least somewhat civil about it, I'd return the favor and have a civilized discussion about it. If they came up to me spouting off about how I had a "sandyvag" and calling me a pussy right off the bat, that's a good recipe for getting knocked out... and I'm not even a violent person! Sometimes it's not about who's right or wrong, sometimes it's about personal respect. If someone's not going to give me enough personal respect to hold at least a somewhat civilized discussion about something, I will make no guarantees the situation won't escalate to physical violence, because it seems that's what the other person wanted all along anyway. My point is, if you're bitter or butthurt about some other member here, fine, but don't make the rest of us suffer by derailing an entire thread into a flame war between the two of you. Use the PM feature or go hunt him down on IRC if you want to be over-the-top abrasive and generally annoying about it. It's like getting into a yelling match at a crowded restaurant. Take that shit elsewhere.
Allow me to point out the following:
1) I generally always post like this. I don't really think I posted much out of the ordinary. Maybe Bonknuts is reading it wrong because HE is holding something against me. "OH ITS ARKHAN HES BEING MEAN HE HATES ME WHAAA WHAAA WHY WONT HE LEAVE ME ALONE" or something. I don't know. It's just another post, as far as I am concerned.
2) The topic wasn't derailed until Bonktom whined and is convinced I'm out to get him. Before that, and before everyone started chiming in about it, the thread was perfectly fine. So, don't blame me for derailing this shit. It was already flying off the sandyvag tracks, so now I'm just dancing on the sideways boxcar as it tumbles down a mountain.
3) I'm not looking at trolling or pissing Bonktomnuts off. That was an accident. If he doesn't want me to respond to his technical yammering that I may disagree with, he should ignore me using the built in feature. Purposefully instigating with Tom isn't worth my time. Defending the PCE sound chip however, is totally worth my time.
Now that THAT'S off my chest, yes, PCE sound is king... or at least Prince of PSG. Though, I wish more was/would be done with the LFO feature using channels 1+2. I'd bet you could get some pretty FM-like sound qualities (nice sounding low notes and such) using that.
I might get to some of that crap soon. If I'm not too busy getting on everyones nuts.