For that matter, what does speaking your mind have to do with being a pussy or not? It has less to do with being a pussy and more to do with being a loudmouth internet assclown... or not, as the case may be.
Not really. You can't just go blabbering online in public and then whine and tell someone not to bother you because they're disagreeing. Well I mean, you can, but it makes you a pussy and you shouldn't be on the internet posting opinionated things. Suck it up and deal with it, or hit the ignore button if it's such a problem. That's what the button is for: Pussies and crybabies.
In this case the discussion is continuing along just fine and valid points/counterpoints are being made. It's not like anyones trolling in this thread. There's some hella stupid sandyvag going on though.
Bonknuts is convinced I have it out for him. Anyone who actually reads this forum consistently would know that what I've been posting isn't really any different than stuff I usually post. It's obnoxious and abrasive, but usually brings validity along with it.
Believe me, if I really had it out for TomaitheousBonknutsBonknuts, everyone would know, because I'd be doing something about it.
Try that same approach in the real world and you'll likely end up getting your personality "fine-tuned" because of it.
I feel sorry for people who have to start throwing punches because they can't handle talking.
I do this in the real world too. It's not a case of LOL INTERNET TUFF GUY. When I disagree, I disagree. When I think someones being stupid, I tell them. If they can't deal with it, they probably are stupid. Or a crybaby with sandyvag. The worlds a tough place. If the internets too hard, you're screwed.
It probably has less to do with who's right or wrong than it has to do with who failed to recognize when they were pushing the situation to that point before it was too late and probably should have kept their loud mouth shut in the first place BEFORE there was physical aggression involved... and ouce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, as they always say.
More often then not, when someone is losing an argument and runs out of options, they start to get mad.
Once they get mad, they start making less sense, and eventually turn to physical interaction to assert themselves. Usually the person who starts the physical confrontation was wrong to the point where they ran out of ideas.
Happens all the time.
On the internet, the mad usually becomes apparent when their post becomes riddled with typos/sentences that are barely coherent, grammarfail9000's, lash-out personal attacks with no actual reasoning behind them, and crap like that.
So if you can't hang, I encourage you to use the "I'm a huge, fat, sandyva... " i mean the "Ignore" button.
I wonder what'd happen with these people if the real world had an ignore button? They'd likely be wandering around oblivious to the world around them because they ignore anything that might burst their self absorbed little bubbles.
PCE sound chip is king.
Necromancer: I do proofread my posts. How often do I make typos or grammatical errors that AREN'T on purpose, and screw up the readability/point of a post?
as for the pot and kettle thing, *shrug*. I disagree.