Wow, good eye on the missing pulse
You saw it right
The 240P is the same field sent every scan 30fps
Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk 2
I'm wondering if this missing pulse is not source of my problem ?
can we talk about a hardware design fault
the "funny" thing is that it works with TV with scart input, a digital projector would be definitively more sensitive than old electron beam from analog TV
Thesteve, I'm not sure of understanding, same field between 2 Vsync in 240p ??
when I use signal in straight mode, the image is centered on screen and the status signal the projector display is 480i, Vsync=15.732 Khz and Hsync=59.97Hz so, I thought that the output of the console was something like:
120 black lines then 240 usefull lines then 120 black lines.
So is XRGB fed with RGBS signal would make the deal and output "another" resolution image to use it on videoprojector ?