Yeah, part of buying a lot of to get a lot of stuff for somewhat LESS than the value of each individual item. You put up with getting some things you don't need in order to save a bit of money overall.
What you, the seller, seems to be doing is calculating the going rate (the higher end of the going rate at that!) and adding it all together as a lot and expecting someone to buy it like that. Clearly you are looking for money, and are not trying to give any sort of a deal. That is the very definition of price gouging. It is very unlikely that anyone on any retro game forum would go for that, because most of us know we can find better deals with some more work. You shouldn't be surprised at some of the hostile comments, especially having been on this site for awhile.
It is a nice collection, but I think you will have a very difficult time selling it for more than a grand (even that is too high) as a lot unless you can find someone who doesn't want to put the effort into looking around and just wants as much as possible in a single lot.
$35 for Far East of Eden II is beyond price gouging. That's a 100yen game in Japan. 500yen MAX in good condition CIB. That isn't the only game so far off base.