I have nothing against the guy, but boldface lying ain't cool.
This guy seems like a real piece of work. Not only does he come around once, give the community the finger as he makes off with repair info we've all worked long and hard at attaining, but then he goes and starts a repair business with it, refusing to share any of his findings with the community and charging a premium for his work. If it wasn't for the wealth of repair information compiled here in these forums, he wouldn't have a repair business to begin with. This is appalling in and of itself, but it doesn't stop there.
This isn't enough for him. No, he feels the need to come BACK. You might think under normal circumstances this would be to mend burnt bridges and make good on his previous errors, but not this guy. He comes back under an alternate identity to further leech repair information and when his identity is discovered, he fabricates not one, but TWO bold-face lies.
He basically had three opportunities with which to make amends with the community, and instead of utilizing them, he chose instead to be deceitful and dig himself deeper, in the process eliminating any remaining credibility. And in true RoyVegas "Man, I got busted" form, he edited all his posts, tucked tail, and ran off.
Nice going, dude.