Eh, send me a screen snapshot, and i 'll tell you how i did ...
not some trickery and magic della mouerte, only simple programming (joke inside).
Well the thing is, because the game scrolls both directions, sprites are tracked even off screen, as this makes it easier to do the parallax, but even so, this demo shows some problems I will have to deal with.
Condensing the building tops will help...but then comes the fact you could have:
hero + 5 hero shots + 5ish enemies/humanoids and their shots.... that alone is pushing/breaking the line limit... not counting the building tops + coral....
and then comes the radar, and making sure that is accurate ...
thank god for Pyramid Plunder.
Its going to require some hoojoo voodoo
If these actual "HuCards" got produced, I personally wouldn't give a damn if they were as flat as regular HuCards or if they had a big giant chip sticking out of them. Just the fact that someone bothered to make some HuCards in 2011 would be good enough for me.
Well, I agree with this, except for the part where they dont fit in jewel cases that way.
If you want big ROMs stickin up, f*ck, thats no probrem at all! Get boards duped, solder ROM on, done.
but I will try to get a good surface setup, and find out how resilient my card plan is.
It could be awesome.