I can reel off official hardware right now (not 100% on the names) capable of playing Hucards/CDs...
Turbografx 16
Turbo CD
Turbo Duo
Turbo Express
Laseractive/laseractive Hu interface
NEC monitor
PC engine*
Core Grafx
Core Grafx II
Super CDROM2
PC Engine LT
PC Engine GT
Duo R
Duo RX
PC engine Shuttle
Super Grafx
Super Grafx expansion stick massive thing
Then the pads:
White pad (original)
White Pad with turbo
Blue pad
Orange pad
shuttle pad
Avenue 6
Purple Pad
White/lilac pad
Duo RX 6 button pad
Avenue 3 pad
Blaster (3 button)
GT/Express TV tuner
(no knowledge of US pads)
Hori Commander
HOri.. small pad, like the famicom version
Several 2 button sticks in various colours
AV booster
Ten no koe bank
rgghh, the other save bank that goes through the pad port
game cushion
Kareoke interface?
Shuttle save module
LT/Super CD bus expander
RF cable
Express/GT comm cable
replacement PSUs
Duo monitor
umm... brain... meltdown?
*Available seperately or together