Ebay has pretty much gone straight to hell the last couple of months for Turbo stuff. Of course you can't just walk into any game store and find a copy of Magical Chase, Dynastic Hero or Bonk III just laying around on sale for $50 so what can you do?
You can go to eBay where they ARE lying around for $50. A complete Dynastic Hero for Turbo sold on eBay within the last couple months for $50. Sales like that are what should matter to buyers, not stupid asking prices or the odd crazy eBay listing end price which may or may not have been paid for.
People sometimes make sarcastic comments like this, contrasting the extreme asking prices with extreme 'fantasy' scenarios. But the bottom end prices are not a fantasy, at leadt on eBay.
I can list my Bomberman '93 for $10000 or Magic Chase for $50000, but that doesn't mean that they are instantly worth more. That's the whole point of the gouging threads. It's a joke what many people are asking for Turbo stuff. It's only a tiny percentage of these crazy listing that actually end in a sale which may or not have been paid for. But there's also an equal or greater percentage of listings that sell for good or super cheap prices that we have every reason to believe were paid for.
It's this kind of mentality that has allowed people to so easily manipulate the Turbo market. I can list a game not currently for sale on eBay and buy it under an alternate account for a high price. Then sell it for real the next week to someome who will believe that that is now "what they go for".